This Hunger

This Hunger

pin oak trees, twisted wire, ceramic apples and birds

burned magnolia leaves

laser cut copper

This Hunger, In these Five Remaining Days after Hafez, and Before Surgery are all poems written by Kathleen Flowers. These three pieces were part of the Open Sesame: The Magic of Artist Books Revealed exhibition in 2019 at The Bainbridge Island Museum of Art.

This Hunger – 119" x 72" x 18"

In these Five Remaining Days – 240" x 96" x 6"

Before Surgery – 20" x 1/8"

2018 & 2019

These three pieces are an homage to my dear friend Kathleen Flowers who died in April 2009 at age 44 from cancer. Shadow plays an important role in making her poetry visible. In These Five Remaining Days was first exhibited in Portland at the 23 Sandy Gallery in my solo exhibition Bowing to Paradox in 2010. In These Five Remaining Days and This Hunger were both part of the installation for the breath of a poem at the Sesnon Underground Gallery on the University of California Santa Cruz campus in 2018.

My life is enriched because of Kathleen’s friendship and it continues to be nourished by her poetry. Our friendship dates back to 1988 when we were young and carefree. Our bond grew deep roots during her battle with cancer, the last four years of her life. Although we lived in different states we managed to see each other often. We collaborated on three different creative projects during that time, changing me forever. Kathleen’s passion for living was contagious. She showed me a courage and determination I had not witnessed before. She lives on through her poetry.